How to use polyester composite packing belt and steel wire packing buckle together?

2022-12-02 17:26:34

Polyester composite packing belt and steel wire buckle are used together, which is a very efficient packaging method. The connection success rate of polyester composite packing belt and steel wire packing buckle can reach more than 90%, and the operation is very easy without too much skill. Next, we will introduce the steps of using polyester composite packing belt and steel wire packing buckle together:


Step 1: Fold the polyester composite packing belt outward in half, leaving a space of about 10cm at the fold.


Step 2: Insert the folded polyester composite packing belt into the middle of the steel wire packing buckle.


Step 3: Then align the middle gap of the folded polyester composite packing belt with one end of the steel wire packing buckle and insert it.


Step 4: After plugging, pull the polyester composite packing belt backward.


Step 5: Perform the same operation at the other end, and fold the polyester composite packing belt outward.


Step 6: Thread the folded polyester composite packing belt into the middle of the steel wire packing buckle.


Step 7: Pass the clearance of polyester composite packing belt through the steel wire packing buckle.


Step 8: Next, use the hand tensioner tool to tighten the steel wire packing buckle, press down the hand tensioner tool, and put the  polyester composite packing belt close to the goods into the

manual tensioner tool.


Step 9: Put another polyester composite packing belt into the shear interface and rotary interface of the hand tensioner tool.


Step 10: After the two polyester composite packing belts are put into the hand tensioner tool, shake the handle of the hand tensioner tool back and forth to tighten the polyester composite packing belt. After the polyester composite packing belt is tightened, a length of 10cm shall be reserved when cutting the polyester composite strapping belt to prevent the steel wire packing buckle from slipping during actual transportation. Finally,  a cargo is packed .


Polyester composite packaging belt and steel wire packaging buckle are the most popular packaging methods in the modern industry, which can effectively and safely package your goods. If you want to choose a cost-effective and environmentally friendly packaging method, polyester composite fiber packaging belt and steel wire packaging buckle are the best choice.

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