Steel VS Polypropylene strapping

2022-05-09 13:02:49

Trying to decide whether to use steel or Polypropylene strapping is a difficult task for most plant managers. Steel is strong, but polyester is versatile. Which one is the right choice?

The information here should help you understand the differences between these two strapping materials. With this knowledge in hand, choosing the right option for your application should be simpler and easier.

When to Use Steel vs Polypropylene Strapping

For the most part, you can replace steel strapping with Polypropylene . There are a few scenarios when it makes sense to use steel. A good example is when a load is very heavy and non-compressible. Its strength means it’s less likely to give way, especially if the load is stable. Some loads may have sharp edges, which could cut other materials, such as Polypropylene. Steel makes sense in both cases.

In most other cases, you’ll want to consider Polypropylene strapping. Loads that are likely to settle, contract, or expand are good contenders for Polypropylene straps. Polypropylene is also a good choice if the load is sensitive to abrasion and devaluation.

Finally, it’s a good idea to use Polypropylene when the strapping is being handled by staff with less experience. Steel causes more injuries, so only your most experienced employees should handle it.

Costs of Strapping

As a plant manager, there’s likely another set of numbers you’re concerned with. You want to know the costs involved, so you can effectively compare steel and Polypropylene.

Steel can be quite expensive, especially because the price of the material can fluctuate dramatically. In 2021, for example, steel hit a high of $1000 per ton.

Steel also comes in shorter rolls, which means you’ll end up purchasing more of them for the same amount of strapping. Polypropylene tends to be more economical, with the rolls being three to four times longer.

On the whole, you can expect to see cost savings between 25 and 40 percent when you switch from steel to Polypropylene.

Tooling Costs

If you want to use either polypropylene or steel strapping effectively, you need the right tools. The price for those tools can vary between the materials.

Steel can start off in the $100s for manual tools with seals. Pneumatic equipment can easily run $4,000 or more.

However. Polypropylene tools may look more expensive at first glance,

In fact, the hand tools are only $20 / set. The fully automatic machine will not exceed $2000 and will bring you more benefits

Benefits of Polypropylene

Making the switch to Polypropylene strapping pays for itself most of the time. It reduces damages and returns. The materials cost less. Longer rolls mean fewer changeovers.

You could also save in labour costs and productivity.Polypropylene reduces workplace fatigue, which can lower the number of worker injuries. Polypropylene is also less likely to cause injury.

As you can see, Polypropylene strapping has many benefits. In most cases, it will be the right choice for your application.

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