What is a good quality PE (polyethylene) stretch film?

2022-11-14 13:02:06

PE (LLDPE) stretch film is produced with the proportion of linear polyethylene LLDPE resin and special tackifier additives, which can be divided into two types according to the use: Manual and Machine use

High elongation. The tensile film of good quality PE must have very good extensibility. With good quality PE tensile film, the longitudinal elongation can reach 500% and the transverse elongation can reach 450%. If the PE stretch film you buy can meet this standard, you can save a lot of packaging costs.

Strong puncture resistance. PE stretch film can be used to wrap goods and products of any shape. Some products may have hard corners, which requires that PE stretch film must have strong puncture resistance, so that the goods can be packaged more neatly and beautifully.

Strong viscosity. PE stretch film is used to wrap goods, which can be used without relying on any other products. This is mainly because of its own viscosity, which is one of the factors we need to consider when purchasing stretch film. As long as the PE stretch film with strong viscosity is used, your goods can be packed more safely and tightly, and will not be scattered and collapsed during transportation.

Strong toughness. The tenacious PE stretch film can pack your goods more tightly and will not break the stretch film due to the movement of the goods. The tenacious PE stretch film can be used to pack the goods. You don’t need to worry about your goods. Your goods will not be affected by rain and dust.

Add metallocene. The quality of the drawn film added metallocene is better than that of the ordinary drawn film. As a rare element, metallocene will greatly increase the tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance of the tensile film when added to the raw materials. The stretch film containing metallocene will be more conducive to solving your packaging problems efficiently.

If you are currently choosing high-quality stretch film to pack your goods, you can choose us, and we will provide you with a more complete and cost-effective packaging scheme.

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