Why are the prices of polypropylene(PP) strapping belt different?

2022-11-11 14:13:04

Polypropylene strapping belt, also known as PP strapping belt roll, is made of polypropylene as the main raw material. Polypropylene(PP) strapping belt roll is the best choice for packing goods. Polypropylene(PP)  strapping belt has the characteristics of light specific gravity, The meters of polypropylene(PP)  strapping and rolling belts are also longer, which can reduce your strapping costs by more than 50%. And polypropylene(PP)  strapping belt is a kind of plastic belt, which can be recycled and reused without causing pollution to the environment. It is the best choice among all strapping and rolling belts.

But why the same weight, the price of polypropylene(PP)  strapping belt roll is different?

In fact, this is because the raw material for the production of polypropylene strapping is not 100% polypropylene. Polypropylene is a raw material extracted from petroleum. The polypropylene raw material is crystalline and is a transparent particle. The price of polypropylene raw materials is generally very expensive. If the polypropylene strapping belt you buy is made of 100% polypropylene, it is a first-grade product, then the price of the strapping and rolling belt is relatively high, but the strapping and rolling belt made of 100% polypropylene has a large tensile force. It won’t break, it has higher transparency, and it can pack your goods more beautifully and safely. If the price you buy is relatively low, you may be buying second-grade polypropylene strapping, which is made from recycled strapping scrap. The tensile force of PP strapping will be 20% lower than that of 100% polypropylene strapping. If your cargo is not very heavy, you can choose this type of polypropylene strapping and strapping, which will save you more costs. There is also a third-grade polypropylene strapping belt. The raw material of this strapping and rolling belt is only polypropylene, and may also be mixed with lime powder and polypropylene waste. The price of this type of polypropylene strapping  belt roll is very  low, generally only a few dollars for a 10kg roll, suitable for packaging of goods around 100kg.

If you want to buy polypropylene strapping, you might as well ask what the raw materials are, not the price. Our factory started with the production of polypropylene strapping belt, we can provide you with any size and color of polypropylene strapping belt you need, we can also customize your LOGO. If you want to know more about PP strapping belt roll  knowledge, welcome  to leave us  messages.

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